Dusk in the Wild

Dusk in the Wild.png
Dusk in the Wild.png

Dusk in the Wild

  • Purpose: Deep relaxation, stress relief & sleep
  • Duration: 18:05

  • Entrainment: 6.3Hz (Theta)

Sundown, the transition between the end of the day and the awakening of nightlife on the edge of a little creek in the bush. The theta brainwave entrainment at 6.3 Hz is ideal for deep relaxation, sleep, and meditation. Regular listening is recommended to help improve memory and language skills. 

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Please note: This is a binaural beats track, therefore to ensure you get full benefits you need to use headphones.

Please download using a laptop/desktop. From here, you can add to your preferred music player (iTunes, Google Play etc) and sync all your mobile devices to have this track available on the go.