How to open (unblock) your chakras

How to open (unblock) your chakras

When we start getting interested in how our body works from an energetic point of view we are constantly searching for tips to understand this new, incredibly interesting realm. One of the first things we discover is that our energy system runs through key points, called chakras, which are main energetic junctions connected to various physiological and neurological points in our body.

How is social media affecting your mental health?

How is social media affecting your mental health?

It’s hard to remember life without Facebook, Insta, Twitter and other platforms of choice, in fact, our younger generations only know life with them. That busy, fragmented life online that consumes so many of our precious minutes in the day has now become the norm. 

Sheep love music too...

Sheep love music too...

You gotta take those ups with the downs. We've been busy in and around Forster with an event, playing to the locals (and not of the two-legged kind), and getting through a few car troubles...but we've still got smiles on our faces.